Integrated Science and Technology (ISAT) Narrative


The Bachelor of Integrated Science and Technology (ISAT) is offered by Minnesota State University, Mankato through the Minnesota Polytechnic & Applied Learning Institute (MinnPoly). The ISAT program is offered at MinnPoly’s Applied Learning Lab located on the Saint Paul College campus as well as on MSU Mankato campus. The ISAT bachelor’s degree program at the St. Paul College campus is available to transfer students, who have completed their lower-division coursework in any area of science, technology, engineering, or any related fields. The ISAT bachelor’s degree program on MSU Mankato campus is available to students from first year through graduation. 

The ISAT degree has modules that are focused and integrated to support several career tracks in emerging technology disciplines. Students complete two modules of courses from STEM areas and two modules from the humanities areas which focus on team leadership, communication, cultural understanding, organizational dynamics, and technology use and application in society.

Students learn by working directly with technology and applying it to solve real-industry problems. Hands-on learning in small teams, internships, and capstone projects provide a space to practice the skills learned before entering the workforce, and succeed in the ever-evolving world.

ISAT students will develop a portfolio during their study. Upon graduation, their industry-ready portfolio will demonstrate their knowledge and skills across integrated fields. In addition to a portfolio, ISAT students will complete a capstone, a meaningful and authentic project from industry and community partners. Each project provides real solutions and real value to project sponsors.