Dr. Rajeev Bukralia Presentation: Integrating AI in Academic Research: Tools, Techniques, and Challenges

Friday, September 20, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

This workshop will explore the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs), a revolutionary development in artificial intelligence (AI), in academic research. Learn about various LLM tools and how to use them to automate literature reviews, create summaries, and perform data analysis. Additionally, we will discuss prompt engineering techniques like one-shot and fewshot learning, and tailoring prompts to specific needs. Practical examples and case studies will illustrate these methods in action. Potential challenges, such as copyright issues, bias, transparency, accountability, and data privacy, will also be covered. 

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About Dr. Rajeev Bukralia: 

Dr. Rajeev Bukralia is a tenured associate professor and graduate faculty in the Computer Information Science (CIS) department at Minnesota State University, Mankato. He is the founding director for the MS in Data Science program and serves as the faculty founder and advisor of DREAM (Data Resources for Eager & Analytical Minds). A thought leader and influencer in AI and data science, he has extensive experience working with the industry on complex IT and AI projects.


Dr. Aaron Hoy