Guest Lecture Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin

Tuesday, April 11, 2023
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Ostrander Auditorium

Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin has spent a lifetime working towards food systems change and regenerative impact. According to the Ashoka Institute, Regi and his team have refined a global model for small-scale, poultry-powered (and planet cooling), scalable regenerative agriculture system. They have started scaling the spread of the model through a network of farmers, nonprofits, farmers associations, civic, public, and industry leaders. This approach to business development and systems change has allowed him to create space for small farmers and large businesses alike to work in alignment with the ecology of the land. Originally from Guatemala, Regi assists other farmers to build regenerative farming operations through an indigenous framework of thought: "that we are part of—not separate from—the land.” 


Based in Northfield, Minnesota, Regi is a recipient of the Moses Change Maker Award, a lifetime Ashoka Fellow, founder of the non-profit Regenerative Agriculture Alliance, and current CEO at Tree-Range® Farms, Inc. You can learn more about the Tree-Range® Chicken brand and his vision for food systems change:,,


This opportunity is made possible by a collaborative partnership among Minnesota State University, Mankato, Water Resources Center, the IRRA, The Prairie Enthusiasts, and the Living Earth Center.


Kimberly Musser