New Computer Science Program Delivers Real-World Experiences

September 28, 2021 |

The new computer science program is off and running this year and is delivering real-world experiences to its students with a project-based curriculum! Currently, three teams of upper-division students are working on projects for external industry clients. One project is helping a Minnesota high-tech digital advertising firm build a client management app.  Another is helping an innovative California-based company take the use of artificial intelligence to the next level in music production. A third is helping an innovative video game maker in Minneapolis create a new category of live, full-body-scale interactive game experiences for their player customers.  Current upper-division students come from regional and national community colleges as well as students who started their first year on the Mankato campus.  The diverse cohort (70% women and 80% people of color) brings a wealth of experience and learning to this project-based program.  There are projects currently being developed for the spring semester. If you are interested in being a client, please contact Lin Chase at
