News and Events

CM Program Hosts Guest Speakers from Cemstone

Construction management welcoming Lars Anderson and Ken Kuhn into our classrooms the week of February 26 to present to our students about their company.

Wells Concrete Site Tour

Wells Concrete invited 40 Construction Management students to tour their new Allianz Field and Le Sueur Country LEC on March 28th.

Greystone Site Tours

Greystone Construction Company hosting 80 Construction Management students on April 11th for site tours of their Mankato senior housing project, Pillars of Mankato.

Uponor Training and Tour

Students in our fall CM 350 class were invited to Uponor for Commerical Piping Training and a tour of their facility.

Roofing Team Takes 1st Place at Nationals

The Construction Management Department assembling a team of students to compete at the Roofing Alliance’s National Roofing Contractors Association Convention.
Student team members and professor posing with trophy for taking first place at Pursuit Competition

Student Team Takes 1st Place at Pursuit Competition

Minnesota State University, Mankato student team taking part in the Pursuit Competition. Minnesota State University, Mankato takes 1st place in the competition.

Cemstone Tour

On April 12th over 60 Minnesota State University, Mankato Construction Management and Civil Engineering students had a full day touring Cemstone’s operation in Henderson, MN as well as UMore Park in Rosemount, MN where they visited Dakota Aggregates, Wells Concrete, and Cemstone.