Computer Aided Design (CAD) Lab

The newly remodeled CAD lab contains 36 networked PC computers, 2 large format printers and an HP Designjet500 plotter.

Workstations are equipped with Parametric Technology Corporation's (PTC) Creo ver. 2.0 parametric modeler with all its available modules. Currently, the PTC software is used for MET 142, MET 341, MET 386 and MET 347 courses and design projects.

The lab maintains a limited number of licenses on Master CAM for teaching computer aided manufacturing (CAM). All students have individually assigned server accounts and networked electronic storage space. The server accounts are accessible from the internet as long as students are enrolled in the class. This networked storage space makes it possible to use the lab for a variety of classes, reports, and design projects.

In addition to the CAD and CAM software, the lab is fully integrated with Transvalor's Forge NxT software. Forge NxT allows students to simulate both hot and cold forming process. The Forge simulation software is currently used for MET 275 and special design projects.