Professional Science Masters (PSM) in Engineering Management
College of Science, Engineering & Technology|Departments|Department of Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering
College of Science, Engineering & Technology|Departments|Department of Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering
Every year we graduate amazing students who go out and do wonders in industry and academia throughout Minnesota and the rest of the world. Here are their stories:
Our students make a difference when they graduate. Some of the areas they work in are:
CNC, CAM, Lean, Quality, CAD, Six- Sigma, Project, Additive, Design, Robotics, Automation, Engineer, 3D Printing
Our Professional Science Master’s Degree program takes an applied approach to graduate education. Our courses bridge the fundamentals of engineering with leadership, project management, professional communication, and management skills.
Faculty and Staff affiliated with the Professional Science Masters Program. Please consult with them for your Capstone ideas.
An important component of the Engineering Management degree is an internship or cooperative educational experience with an off-campus business, industry, government agency, or research institute that is directly related to the student’s field of study.
The required experiential component of Engineering Management degree is a capstone experience completed with an off-campus business, industry, government agency, or non-profit that is directly related to the student's PSM coursework background and interests.
Funding Opportunities for Full Time On-Campus PSM Students
Tuition and Fees for the Engineering Management Program
Find forms you may need during your academic journey at Minnesota State University, Mankato as a graduate student.
Required information about the forms, deadlines and process to Graduate with the PSM Engineering Masters degree.