Biological Sciences Friday Seminar: Dr. Ryan Wersal

Friday, April 1, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
CSB 112

New Product Development: Ramblings of a Former R&D Scientist 

As students navigate through their academic careers and put some thought into where they see themselves in five years or 10 years, often positions in private industry are not considered. I know, I was one of those students who said he would never work for a company. Guess what, I spent six years working for global company; so never say never and keep your options open. The presentation offers an overview, albeit brief, of what product development is, what are the major processes involved, how are decisions made, and ultimately how do companies get products to market. Emphases will be placed on registered and non-registered surface water products. The goal is to give students insight into another career path that is often overlooked upon graduation.