Dr. Timothy Secott, Department Chair, Professor
PhD | Faculty
- PhD, Purdue University
Research Interests
- Investigation of genes and molecular mechanisms used by pathogenic mycobacteria to initiate and establish intestinal infections in mammals
My research interests revolve around bacterial interactions at three levels: between microbial pathogens and their vertebrate hosts; among members of the same species; and more recently, within mixed bacterial communities in soil and surface waters. Each of these areas of investigation utilizes different combinations of traditional bacterial culture approaches with molecular biology, biochemistry, cell culture, and immunology techniques.
My teaching responsibilities include three microbiology courses, ranging from BIOL 270 for sophomores to BIOL 475 and BIOL 476 for juniors and seniors. My goal is to promote in students a desire to become and remain informed about advances in microbiology and biotechnology; to think deeply, critically, and creatively about the implications, benefits, and consequences of these advances for man and the environment; and to act responsibly on these considerations as consumers, citizens, and future scientists.