- Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Wyoming
- M.S., Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
- B.S., Secondary Math Education, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
Primary Areas
- Combinatorial Matrix Theory
- Complex Network Theory
- Data Analytics and Quantum Mechanics/Computing
Professional Experience
- Professor, Minnesota State University, Mankato, August 2013 to present
- Research Fellow, Minnesota Modeling and Simulation Center, Fall 2010 to present
- Research Graduate Faculty, Minnesota State University, Mankato, August 2007 to present
- Director, Center for Excellence in Scholarship and Research (CESR), July 2011 to June 2014
- Associate Professor, Minnesota State University, Mankato, August 2010 to July 2013
- Assistant Professor, Minnesota State University, Mankato, August 2006 to June 2010
- Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria, Canada, September 2005 to July 2006
- Teaching Assistant, University of Wyoming, September 2000 to August 2005
- Instructor, Dongyang University, Fall 1999
- Teacher, Ohsung High School, Summer 1999
- Korean Air Force, 1989-1992
- l; I.-J. Kim, K. Choe, and S. Wolbert, “Methodology for mapping cryptocurrency in the financial market,” International Journal of Business Research 22 (2022), 5-12.
- I.-J. Kim, K. Choe, and S. Wolbert, “Mapping cryptocurrency in the financial market,” Journal of Academy of Business and Economics 22 (2022), 16-25.
- I.-J. Kim and K. Choe, “Relationship between Crude Oil Prices and the Stock Market: Before and After the Lifting of U.S. Crude Oil Export Ban,” International Journal of Business Research 20 (2020), 13-20.
- I.-J. Kim, D.-Y. Shin, and K. Choe, “Application of Dimension Reduction Methods to Dow Jones Industrial Average,” Journal of Academy of Business and Economics 19 (2019), 59-68.
- B. Eastman, I.-J. Kim, B.L. Shader, and K.N. Vander Meulen, Corrigendum to “Companion matrix patterns” [Linear Algebra and it Applications 463 (2014), 255-271], Linear Algebra and its Applications 538 (2018), 225-227.
- I.-J. Kim, B. Shader, and K. Vander Meulen, “Spectrally arbitrary pattern extension,” Linear Algebra and its Applications 517 (2017), 120-128.
- I.-J. Kim and J.-W. Park, “Squarable sign patterns,” Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics 25 (2015), 557-564.
- I.-J. Kim, B. Barthel, S.-C. Kim, ad D.-Y. Shin, “Creating a customer satisfaction index from a survey instrument,” Journal of Academy of Business and Economics 15 (2015), 123-128.
- D.-Y. Shin, J. Kalinowski, S.-C. Kim, and I.-J. Kim, “Maximizing the impact of improvement efforts on customer satisfaction,” The Journal of Applied Business Research 31 (2015), 1005-1013.
- B. Eastman, I.-J. Kim, B.L. Shader, and K.N. Vander Meulen, Companion matrix patterns, Linear Algebra and its Applications 463 (2014), 255-272.
- I.-J. Kim, B. Barthel, J.L. Dobmeier, S.-C. Kim, Y.-Y. Park, D.-Y. Shin, and J.R. Tait, Network analysis for active and passive propagation models, Networks 63 (2014), 160-169.
- I.-J. Kim and B.L. Shader, Unordered multiplicity lists of a class of binary trees, Linear Algebra and its Applications 438 (2013), 3781-3788.
- M.S. Cavers, C. Garnett, I.-J. Kim, D.D. Olesky, P. van den Driessche, and K.N. Vander Meulen, Techniques for identifying inertially arbitrary patterns, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 26 (2013), 71-89.
- I.-J. Kim, Algorithmic Proof of MaxMult(T)=p(T), Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 27 (2012), 665-668.
- I.-J. Kim, B. Barthel, S.-C. Kim, H. Nishina, and D.-Y. Shin, On the development of a satisfaction survey instrument using PageRank centrality, Journal of Academy of Business and Economics 12 (2012), 134-143.
- L.M. DeAlba, J. Grout, I.-J. Kim, S.J. Kirkland, J.J. McDonald and A. Yielding, Minimum rank of powers of trees, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 23 (2012), 151-163.
- I.-J. Kim, S.-C. Kim, D.-Y. Shin and J. Wagner, Analysis on propagations in active and passive network models, Proceedings of 2011 International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE), 115-118.
- I.-J. Kim and C. Waters, Symmetric sign patterns with maximal inertias, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 60 (2010), 101-104.
- A. Berman, M. Catral, L.M. DeAlba, A. Elhashash, F. Hall, L. Hogben, I.-J. Kim, D.D. Olesky, P. Tarazaga, M.J. Tsatsomeros and P. van den Driessche, Sign patterns that allow eventual positivity, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 19 (2010), 108-120.
- C. Erickson and I.-J. Kim, On nilpotence indices of sign patterns, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 25 (2010), 11-18.
- Y.-F. Chen, H.-L. Fu, I.-J. Kim, E. Stehr and B. Watts, On the largest eigenvalues of bipartite graphs which are nearly complete, Linear Algebra and its Applications 432 (2010), 606-614.
- I.-J. Kim and B.L. Shader, Nonsingular acyclic matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra57 (2009), 399-407.
- I.-J. Kim, D.D. Olesky and P. van den Driessche, Critical sets of inertias for matrix patterns, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 57 (2009), 293-306.
- I.-J. Kim, D.D. Olesky, B.L. Shader, P. van den Driessche, H. van der Holst and K.N. Vander Meulen, Generating potentially nilpotent full sign patterns, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra18 (2009), 162-175.
- I.-J. Kim and B.L. Shader, Smith Normal Form and acyclic matrices, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 29 (2009), 63-80.
- I.-J. Kim and B.L. Shader, Sign patterns that require a positive or nonnegative left inverse, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 17 (2008), 209-218.
- I.-J. Kim and B.L. Shader, On Fiedler- and Parter-vertices of acyclic matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications 428 (2008), 2601-2613.
- I.-J. Kim and B.L. Shader, Classification of trees each of whose associated acyclic matrices with distinct diagonal entries has distinct eigenvalues, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 28 (2008), 95-99.
- I.-J. Kim, D.D. Olesky, B.L. Shader and P. van den Driessche, Sign patterns that allow a positive or nonnegative left inverse, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 29 (2007), 554-565.
- I.-J. Kim, D.D. Olesky and P. van den Driessche, Inertially arbitrary sign patterns with no nilpotent realization, Linear Algebra and its Applications 421 (2007), 264-283.
- I.-J. Kim, J.J. McDonald, D.D. Olesky and P. van den Driessche, Inertias of zero-nonzero patterns, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 55 (2007), 229-238.
- M.S. Cavers, I.-J. Kim, B.L. Shader and K.N. Vander Meulen, On determining minimal spectrally arbitrary patterns, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 13 (2005), 240-248.
Student Supervision
- Michael Schaefer, M.S., Summer 2022
- Ammishaddai B. Ogyiri, M.S., Spring 2022
- Jesse J. LaPorte, M.A., Summer 2018
- Danielle Dobie, M.A., Spring 2016
- Jordan Tait, M.A., Fall 2014
- Brian Barthel, M.A., Spring 2013
- Joe Wagner, Undergraduate Research Conference, April 2011
- Moyang Chen, Undergraduate Research Conference, April 2011
- Nicholas Compton, Undergraduate Research Conference, April 2011
- Jordan Tait, Undergraduate Research Conference, April 2011 and 2012
- Brian Barthel, Undergraduate Research Conference, April 2010
- Craig Erickson, M.A., Summer 2009
- Lucas Kramer, M.A., Summer 2009
- Eric Hanson, Undergraduate Research Conference, April 2009
- Steven Reller, M.A., Summer 2008
- Brendon Watts (West high school, Mankato), Undergraduate Research Conference, April 2008
Recent Presentations
- February 10, 2021: “Tutorial on Network Data Analysis”Math/Stats Colloquium,Minnesota State University, Mankato
- June 29- July 4, 2018: “Introduction to Data Analytics” Data Analytics Summer School, Daegu University, Daegu, South Korea
- December 20, 2017: “Stowage Decisions in Multizone Storage Systems” Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea
- December 16, 2017 :“Some Problems in Retail Analytics”Korea-China International Conference on Matrix Theory and Application, AORC-IRCTMT Joint Meeting Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea
- August 11, 2017: “On Mathematics for Industry” Pusan National University, Pusan, South Korea
- July 31-August 4, 2017: “Introduction to Data Analytics” Data Analytics Summer School, Daegu University, Daegu, South Korea
- December 21-23 2016: “Foundations of Data Analytics” Data Analytics Winter School, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea
- June 25,2016: “Data Analytics: of the People, by the People, for the People”Big Data Analytics Summer School, Jeju National University, South Korea
- April 16-17, 2016: “Matrix Theory in Data Science” American Mathematical Society (AMS)-Central Section Meeting, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
- December 18-29, 2015: “Seven Lectures on Foundations of Data Analytics”NIMS-SKKU MDA Winter School, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), South Korea
- July 14-24, 2015: “Matrix-based Data Analysis” Summer School at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea
- May 8, 2014: Math Teachers’ Circle, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN; Classroom Scenarios of Mathematics Questions from Students
- April 25-26, 2014: MAA North Central Section Meeting, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN; Eventual Positivity and Data Analysis
- June 3-6, 2013: 2013 International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) Meeting, Providence, RI; Creating a User-Satisfaction Index
- April 26-27, 2013: American Mathematical Society (AMS)-Central Section Meeting, Iowa State University, Ames, IA; Eventual Positivity in Multivariate Data Analysis
- October 16, 2012: 2012 International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE) Conference, Las Vegas, NV; On the development of a satisfaction survey instrument using PageRank centrality
- August 1-4, 2012: Invited Paper Session on Combinatorics and Matrices at the 2012 MAA MathFest, Madison, WI; Application of PageRank centrality to a survey instrument
- April 13-15, 2012: 2012 Circle on the Road Conference by MSRI, George Washington University, Washington DC; Logic Puzzles
- January 4-7, 2012: AMS special session on Matrices and Graphs at the Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA; Unordered multiplicity list of a class of binary trees
- June 16, 2011: REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) speaker at University of Wyoming; Graph partitioning and community detection
- June 3-5, 2011: Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) Summer 2011 Meeting at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada; Unordered Multiplicity Lists of Φ-binary trees
- April 15-16, 2011: Mathematical Association of America (MAA)-North Central Section Meeting at Carleton College, Northfield, MN; Path cover number and maximum corank of a tree
- March 19, 2011: Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival at University of Houston, TX; KenKen
- April 10-11, 2010: American Mathematical Society (AMS)-Central Section Meeting, Macalester College, St. Paul, MN; On nearly complete bipartite graphs
- February 1-5, 2010: Banff International Research Station (BIRS) Workshop on Theory and Applications of Matrices Described by Patterns, Banff, Canada; On eventual positivity
- December 16-20, 2009: AMS-Korean Mathematical Society (KMS) Joint Meeting, Ewha Woman's University, Seoul, Korea; On the largest eigenvalues of bipartite graphs which are nearly complete
- October 26-29, 2009: SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Monterey, CA; On Nilpotence Indices of Sign Patterns
- August 12-14, 2009: Conference on Linear and Numerical Linear Algebra: Theory, Methods, and Applications at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL; Compressed Sensing and Matrix Problems
- April 24-25, 2009: MAA-North Central Section meeting at Hamline University, St. Paul, MN; Symmetric Sign Patterns with Maximal Inertias
- March 10, 2009: Mathematics Department Colloquium at Iowa State University, Ames; On Potentially Nilpotent Sign Patterns
- January 5-8, 2009: AMS special session on Spectra of Matrix Patterns and Applications to Dynamical Systems at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Washington DC; Low Rank Perturbations and Inertias of Full Symmetric Sign Patterns
- October 17-18, 2008: MAA-North Central Section meeting at Concordia College, Moorhead, MN; On Fiedler- and Parter-vertices of Trees
- September 12-13, 2008: Rocky Mountain Discrete Mathematics Days at University of Wyoming, WY; Structure Analysis of Acyclic Matrices by Special Vertices of Trees
- August 14-17, 2008: UKC-Applied and Pure Mathematics Symposium at San Diego, CA; Structure Analysis of Acyclic Matrices by Special Vertices of Trees
- April 25-26, 2008: MAA-North Central Section meeting at College of St. Benedict, MN; Inertias of Matrix Patterns