Manufacturing Engineering Technology (BS)
Manufacturing involves plans, materials, personnel, and equipment which are transformed in some way that adds value. Students acquire leadership and managerial skills necessary to enter careers in process and systems design, manufacturing operations, maintenance, technical sales or service functions. The curriculum concentrates on the study of individual subsystems and their overall optimization of cost, quality, speed, and flexibility goals for the success of a manufacturing enterprise.

Program Requirements
Required General Education
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-05
Prerequisites: ENG 101
Goal Areas: GE-02, GE-13
Prerequisites to the Major
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-03
Prerequisites: MATH 112 or MATH 115
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-1A
Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, MATH 115 or both MATH 112 and MATH 113 with "C" (2.0) or better.
Goal Areas: GE-04
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: CHEM 104 and MET 142
Prerequisites: Either MATH 112 and MATH 113, or MATH 115
Goal Areas: GE-02, GE-03
Prerequisites: Satisfy Placement Table in this section, or MATH 098 with grade of P.
Goal Areas: GE-02, GE-04
CMST - Choose 3 Credit(s).
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-1B
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-1B
Major Common Core
Prerequisites: MATH 121, PHYS 211
Prerequisites: MATH 121 with "C" (2.0) or better or consent
Prerequisites: PHYS 211 and MATH 121
Prerequisites: MET 323
Prerequisites: MET 142
Prerequisites: EET 113, MET 275, MET 341
Prerequisites: MET 275
Prerequisites: MATH 121, MET 341, STAT 154. Admission to AET/MET major.
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: STAT 154
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: STAT 154
Prerequisites: STAT 154
Prerequisites: STAT 154
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: MET 347, PHYS 212
Prerequisites: MET 425
Prerequisites: ENG 271W, MET 275, MET 425, 10 AET or MET 300/400 level credits
Prerequisites: MET 488W, Permission Required
Prerequisites: PHYS 211