Manufacturing Engineering Tech Minor
Current Catalog Year
Years 2024-2025
Total Credits

Program Requirements
An overview of careers, technology and requirements for individuals interested in Manufacturing Engineering Technology. Hands-on experience is gained in a variety of new technologies. Careers in engineering and technology are examined along with professional organizations and ethics. The course is intended as a first step toward a career in manufacturing.
Prerequisites: none
The course covers a process of developing and analyzing solid parametric models for mechanical applications. Course includes solving technical design problems based on real-world applications as well as creating technical documentation: working and assembly drawings.
Prerequisites: none
Fundamentals of machine technology and metallurgy. Students learn to perform machining on a lathe, mill, and drill press, and also assemble the products. Basics of heat treatment, welding and machining are discussed. Extra lab time is required.
Prerequisites: CHEM 104 and MET 142