Andy Lillesve, Facilitator

Instructor, Project Mentor | IRE Bell Program | Staff

Address: Office | 1001 Chestnut St W, Virginia, MN 55792
Phone: 218-742-9168


Bachelor's of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Courses Taught

Mechanics of Materials (ENGR 355)
Heat Transfer (ENGR 431)
Advanced Technical Competency in Mechanical Engineering (452) 


Growing entrepreneurial mindset in interdisciplinary student engineers: Experiences of a project-based engineering program (2018)

Entrepreneurship in the Iron Range Engineering (IRE) Model (2011)

Personnel Improvement Plan: a professionalism assignment for engineering students (2014)

Preparing Students to Thrive in Industry: The Critical Role of a Learning Coach (2024)


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