Dr. Catherine McGough Spence, Assistant Professor

PhD | Faculty

Address: Office | 1001 Chestnut St W, Virginia, MN 55792
Phone: 304-539-4565
Email: catherine.spence@mnsu.edu


PhD in Engineering and Science Education
BS in Electrical Engineering


Catherine Spence is an Associate Professor at Iron Range Engineering in the Department of Integrated Engineering at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Catherine teaches junior and senior level electrical engineering courses while facilitating students’ application of technical knowledge to industry projects and co-ops. She also supports professionalism and design courses, and advises students as they navigate their pathway to graduation.

Courses Taught

ENGR 342 Control Theory
ENGR 343 Digital Logic
ENGR 346 Motors, Generators, and Transformers
ENGR 442 Signals and Systems
ENGR 451 Advanced Technical Competency in Electrical Engineering (taught as Power Systems, Random Signal Analysis, Advanced EE Analysis, and Independent Studies)
ENGR 478 Advanced Technical Competency in Renewable Energy (taught as Renewable Power Penetration on the Power Grid)

Research Interests

Dr. Spence's research interests are in engineering education, with expertise in the fields of future time perspectives, problem solving, and well-being.


Spence, C. M., Kirn, A., Benson, L. (2022). “Perceptions of Future Careers for Middle Year Engineering Students.” Journal of Engineering Education. DOI: 10.1002/jee.20455

Potvin, G., McGough, C., Rohde, J., Doyle, J. Ma, B., Ross, M., Boone, H., Kirn, A., Godwin, A., &  Benson, L. (2018). “Gendered Interests in Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering: Intersections with Career Outcome Expectations.” IEEE Transactions on Education. Special Issue on Increasing the Socio-Cultural Diversity of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Related Fields. 61(4):298-304. DOI: 10.1109/TE.2018.2859825.

Spence, C. M., Siverling, E., Karlin, J., James, E. (2023). "Co-Op Based Engineering Education Model Supporting Students in Engineering Education Deserts." IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings.

McGough, C. (Presenter), Benson, L. (2020). “It's the End of the World as We Know It, and I Need a Job: A Qualitative Exploration of Mid-Year Engineering Students' Future Possible Careers.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings. Engineering Research Methods Division Best Paper Award


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