Dr. Emily Gresbrink, Assistant Professor

PhD | Faculty

Address: 228 Wissink Hall, Mankato MN 56001
Email: emily.gresbrink@mnsu.edu


B.A., print journalism from the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire 
M.S., scientific and technical communication, University of Minnesota 
Ph.D. in rhetoric, scientific, and technical communication from the University of Minnesota


Emily Gresbrink is an Assistant Professor of Technical Communication in the Integrated Engineering program, joining Minnesota State Mankato in 2024. She has a B.A. in journalism from the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire with a minor in English literature. She earned an M.S. and Ph.D. in rhetoric, scientific, and technical communication from the University of Minnesota, with minors in health informatics and bioethics. Her research interests include digital risk & crisis communication, social justice, technical communication, and strategic interaction with generative artificial intelligence. Her work specifically addresses advocacy and amplification of marginalized perspectives and people, digital writing and content development in times of precarity & crisis, and ethics-driven discussions of generative artificial intelligence in the writing classroom.  In addition to her degrees, Emily has spent nearly ten years in the healthcare and manufacturing sectors in technical writing and administrative roles, most recently at The Toro Company as a service writer in the commercial division.

Courses Taught

CS 391W/392W: Computer Science Project
CS 495/499: Computer Science Seminar 
ENGR 276: Technical Communication for Iron Range Engineering
ENGR 277: Research Writing for Engineers 
ENG 271W: Technical Communication
ENG 475W/575W: Technical Editing 

Research Interests

Digital risk & crisis communication, social justice, technical communication, generative artificial intelligence ethics & pedagogy, digital media & meme generation


Banville, M., Das, M., Davis, K., Dsouza, E., Durazzi, A., Gresbrink, E., Kalodner-Martin, E., and Stambler, D. (2021). Identity, Agency and Precarity: Considerations of Graduate Students in Technical Communication. Programmatic Perspectives, 12(2), Fall 2021.

Banville, M., Gray, K., Gresbrink, E., Kalodner-Martin, E, Listhartke, H., Jordan., R.,
(2023). Imagining a Social Justice Technical Communication “Dream” Course.
IEEE ProComm, Ithaca, NY.

Kastman Breuch, L., Duin, A.H., & Gresbrink, E. (2022). Real-World User Experience: Engaging Students and Industry Professionals through a Mentor Program. In UX as Innovative Academic Practice, Cargile-Cook, K., & Crane, K., Eds.). Foundations and Innovations in Technical and Professional Communication Series, WAC Clearinghouse.

Gresbrink, E. (Accepted). Exploring a Relationship and Use Case for DITA and Generative
AI. CIDM Best Practices.

Gresbrink, E., and Jordan, R. (Accepted). #BisexualBliss in the Regency Era: A Collaborative Critical Queer Feminist Autoethnography of Bridgerton Memes. In Rhetoric Review Symposium on Bisexual Digital Rhetorics (BiDigRhets), Cindy Tekobbe and Derek Sparby, Eds.

Gresbrink, E. (Forthcoming). Just Be Okay: A Reflection on Pandemic Parenting, Burnout, and Healing. In Parenting While PhDing, Morton-Aiken, J., and Hoermann-Eillot, J., Eds.


Contact Dr. Gresbrink on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilygresbrink/

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