Kortani Samsa, Facilitator
BSE | Staff
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Integrated Engineering
Hi, my name is Kortani! I am a Mechanical Engineer working as a facilitator for Iron Range Engineering (IRE). After I graduated from IRE in 2018 with my Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree, I worked as a mining engineer on the Iron Range in Minnesota. Work included coordinating mine plans, directing the drill and blast program, and managing various open-pit projects. I worked on a team that oversaw millions of tons of material movement each year and hundreds of thousands of bulk explosive detonations weekly. It was a blast! After a handful of years in the field, I returned to IRE as a facilitator to help lead students to be the engineers they want to be and explore how their passions can align with their careers. Our community is full of difference-makers. It is the best place to learn by doing, and I am passionate about giving back to the community that shaped my future!