Dr. Mohammad Yamin, Associate Professor
PhD | Faculty
Dr. Mohammad Yamin is a Civil Engineering faculty who joined the Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering at Minnesota State University, Mankato Fall of 2017. He holds a Doctorate degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis on Geotechnical Engineering applications from the University of Akron, Ohio. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan. Dr. Yamin is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the States of Ohio and Minnesota. Prior to joining Minnesota State University, Mankato, Dr. Yamin served as faculty member at Bradley University in Peoria, IL, and as a visiting faculty member at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. In addition to his academic experience, Dr. Yamin worked as a design engineer in the Bridge Department at California Department of Transportation, Sacramento, CA. He also worked as an Engineering Manager at Gulf Engineering House – a consulting firm in Saudi Arabia.
- 2007 – Ph.D. Civil/Geotechnical Engineering (University of Akron, OH)
- 2003 – M.Sc. Civil/Geotechnical Engineering (Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan)
- 2001 – B.Sc. Civil/Structural Engineering (Jordan University of Science & Technology, Jordan)
Professional Affiliations
- Licensed Professional Engineer in Minnesota (P.E.55760)
- Licensed Professional Engineer in Ohio (P.E. 81477)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) member
- Geotechnical Institute (GI) member
Research Areas
Shallow and Deep Foundation Systems; Numerical modeling of soil-structure interaction; slope stability analysis and design; Compressed Stabilized Earth Bricks; Ground Improvement; Earth Retaining Structures; Lateral capacity of piles and drilled shafts in moving soil; design of mechanically stabilized retaining walls with reinforcing strips.
- College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (CSET) Excellence Award in Teaching – Minnesota State University Mankato, 2021.
- The William Flies Fellowship Award – Minnesota State University Mankato, 2020.
- Presidential Teaching Scholarship award – Minnesota State University Mankato, 2018.
- Teaching Excellence Innovation award – Bradley University, 2013.
Recent Publications
- Yamin, M. (2016) “Problem Solving in Foundation Engineering using foundationPro.”, Springer International Publishing, 1st Edition, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-17650-5. eBook ISBN 978-3-319-17650-5. Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-17649-9.
- Yamin, M., Attom, M., Attaby, S., and Vandanapu, R. (2021) “The effect of compaction effort on shear strength parameters of low/high plasticity clay soils” the Geotechnical Engineering Journal for AGSSEA. Vol. 52. Issue No. 2., June 2021.
- Yamin, M., Attom, M.F. & Khan, Z. (2020). Lateral Response of Drilled Shafts in A Moving Cohesive Soil. International Journal of Civil Engineering 18, 735–742 (January 2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40999-019-00491-6
- Yamin, M., Khan, Z., El Naggar, H. and Al Hai, N. (2018). “Nonlinear Regression Analysis for Side Resistance of Socketed Piles in Rock Formations of Dubai Area”. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Springer.
- Yamin, M. and Obadat, M. (2018). “Design of MSE wall with reinforcing strips using FoundationPro”. Computer Applications in Engineering Educations, Wiley, Vol (26), pp. 1939 - 1950.
- Yamin, M., Attom, M., and Liang, R. (2017). “Solutions for Soil-Pile-Soil Forces in Pile Stabilized Slopes” International Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Springer. 35:1859-1869.
- Khan, Z. and Yamin, M. (2017). “Evaluation of shear geophones in MASW testing”. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Taylor and Francis.
- Chehadeh, A., Turan, A., Abed, F. and Yamin, M. (2017). “Lateral Earth Pressures Acting on Circular Shafts Considering Soil Structure Interaction” International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Taylor and Francis. Technical Note.
- Yamin, M., Ashteyat, A., Almohd, I., and Mahmoud, E. (2017). “Numerical study of contact stresses under foundations resting on cohesionless soil: Effects of foundation rigidity and applied stress level”, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 4. Doi:10.1007/s12205-016-1770-0.
- Almohd, I., Nusier, O., Ashteyat, A., and Yamin, M. (2014). “design of Geogrid Reinforced Earth Walls: Transition of Limits and Critical Surfaces”, The Electronic Geotechnical Engineering Journal, EGEJ, Vol. 19, pp. 8497 – 8511.
- Liang, R., and Yamin, M. (2010). “Three-dimensional finite element study of arching behavior in slope/drilled shafts system.“ International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 34 (11), pp. 1157 – 1168.[doi: 10.1002/nag.851]
- Liang, R., Al Bodour, W., Yamin, M., and Erfani, A. (2010). “Analysis Method for Drilled Shafts Stabilized Slopes using Arching Concept.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 2186, pp. 38 – 46. [doi: 10.3141/2186-05]
- Hammouri, N., Malkawi, A., and Yamin, M. (2008). “Stability analysis of slopes using the finite element and limiting equilibrium approach.” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment, Springer Berlin, Vol. (67), No. (4), pp. 471 – 478. [doi: 10.1007/s10064-008-0156-z]
- Ibrahim, A., Mahmoud, E., Yamin, M., and Patibandla, V., (2013). “Experimental study on Portland cement pervious concrete mechanical and hydrological properties”, the Construction & Building Materials Journal, Elsevier, Vol. 50, pp. 524 – 529.
- Ashteyat, A., Haddad, R., and Yamin, M. (2012). “Production of self-compacting concrete using Jordanian oil shale ash.” Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 202 – 214.
- Yamin, M. and Liang, R. (2010). “Limiting equilibrium method for slope/drilled shaft systems.” International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 34 (10), pp. 1063 – 1075. [doi: 10.1002/nag.852]
- Yamin, M. and Liang, R. (2010). “Interpreting a laterally loaded drilled shaft from measured deflection data.“ International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 34 (8), pp. 859 – 877.[doi: 10.1002/nag.849]
- Yamin, M., Budge, A., Petersen, D., and Corcoran, C. (2022) “Bearing capacity factors of spread footings on soft clay stabilized with a granular trench”. GeoCongress 2022. Charlotte, NC.
- Khan, Z., Yamin, M., Attom, M., and Al Hai, N. (2021) “Geotechnical Characterization and Development of Correlations for Artificial Island near Dubai” GeoNiagara, Canada, Sept. 2021.
- Yamin, M., Budge, A., Petersen, D., and Corcoran, C. (2021) “Ultimate bearing capacity of footings on soft clay stabilized with a granular trench”. 69th Annual Geotechnical Engineering Conference, University of Minnesota. Invited Guest Speaker to present ongoing research.
- Yamin, M., Budge, A. and Liang, R. (2017) “Instrumentation and monitoring of JEF-152 landslide in Ohio”. 66th Annual Geotechnical Engineering Conference, University of Minnesota.
- Yamin, M., Ashteyat, A., Alldin, I., and Mahmoud, E. (2013). “Effect of foundation rigidity on contact pressure distribution.”, 92nd Annual Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C.
- Christopher, M., Geiger, G., Liang, R., and Yamin, M. (2007). “Design methodology for drilled shafts to stabilize a slope.“ First North American Conference, CD-form. Conference Proceeding.
- Liang R. and Yamin M. (2010). “Design of Drilled Shaft for Slope Stabilization.” American Society of Civil Engineering, ASCE. Geoflorida 2010 Conference: Advances in Analysis, Modeling, and Design (GSP 199), pg. 1827, Feb. 20 – 24, 2010, West Palm Beach, FL., Conf. Proceeding. [doi: 10.1061/41095(365)185]
- Liang, R., Yamin, M., and Al Bodour, W. (2009). “Lesson from Instrumented Slope Stabilization Project Using Drilled Shafts.” American Society of Civil Engineering, Conf. Proc., Vol. (355), No. (1), pp. 103 – 110. [doi: 10.1061/41021(335)13]