Mechanical Engineering (MS)
The Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) carries forward the philosophy of our undergraduate program and is devoted to producing application oriented mechanical engineers. Our program is built to provide students with experiences and opportunities for growth.
The Mechanical Engineering program is designed to serve the following constituencies:
- New engineering graduates who want to increase their depth of knowledge before entry into the engineering workforce.
- Engineers in business and industry who want to continue their formal engineering education at the postgraduate level.
- Engineering graduates interested in research or pursuing a future doctorate.
Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Mechanical Engineering and who also plan on completing the MSME degree at MSU may apply for the Combined Degree Program. This option allows students to take classes that will count toward their MSME prior to completing the BS. Students may register for up to 12 credits in approved courses that will count toward both the BS and MS degrees.
To satisfy the various needs of our students and industry, the program has two capstone options available:
- Thesis Option - The thesis option requires 32 credit hours of which 3-6 credit hours are devoted to thesis research. This option is ideal for students wanting to gain more research exposure.
- Design Option - The design option requires 32 credit hours of which 3-6 credit hours are devoted to a formal design project. The design project is comparable in scope to a research thesis. This option is ideal for students who have been or are currently in the engineering workforce.

Program Requirements
Research/Methods Course(s)
Research Methods - Choose 1 - 3 Credit(s).
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Restricted Electives
Choose 23 - 28 Credit(s).
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: none
Capstone Course
Prerequisites: none