Dr. Dennis Soltis, Assistant Professor
PhD | Faculty
Full CV
- PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Oakland University, MI, USA, 2015
- MS in Mechanical Engineering, Oakland University, MI, USA, 2007
- BS in Mechanical Engineering, Lawrence Institute of Technology, MI, USA, 1987
RECENT Publications
- Soltis, D and Sangeorzan, B. "Convective Heat Transfer in the Stagnation Zone of an Axisymmetric Upward Jet Impinging on a Stationary Flat Surface." Proceedings of the ASME 2015 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Volume 8A: Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering, 2015
- Soltis, D. and Hollenbeck, D., "A Method for Obtaining Optimum Fuel Economy Performance using Transient Combustion Measurements," SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-0243, 2009
- Tisch, D., Alexander, J., and Soltis, D., "Combustion System Development using Optical Spark Plug Probes," SAE Technical Paper 2008-01-1074, 2008
- Soltis, D., "Correlating an Air Motion Number to Combustion Metrics and Initial Flame Kernel Development," SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-0653, 2007
- Soltis, D., "Evaluation of Cylinder Pressure Transducer Accuracy based upon Mounting Style, Heat Shields, and Watercooling," SAE Technical Paper 2005-01-3750, 2005
- Technical Fellow-Combustion and Airflow Measurements -Stellantis, N.V.: Powertrain Testing and Analysis, Auburn Hills, MI
- Senior Technical Specialist - FCA LLC, Auburn Hills, MI
- Senior Combustion Specialist - FCA LLC, Auburn Hills, MI
- Product Release Engineer - Chrysler Corporation, Auburn Hills, MI
Courses Taught
AET 366 - Automotive Thermodynamics and Engine Design
AET 661 - Automotive Experimental Research 1
- 7,490,591 Method and Apparatus for Eliminating Spark-Knock in an Engine, 2009
- 6,360,709 Piston Top Geometry for Optimized Combustion, 2002
- 6,234,153 Purge Assisted Fuel Injection, 2001
- 6,003,494 Spark Advance Modifier Based on a Fuel Modifier, 1999
- 5,947,088 Acceleration Enrichment Based on a Fuel Modifier, 1999
- 5,860,395 Piston Cooling by Oil Flow from a Pocket Reservoir and Passageway Formed in the Piston, 1999
- 5,839,405 Single/Multi-Chamber Perforated Tube Resonator for Engine Induction System, 1998
- 5,701,865 Method of Adjusting Idle Spark for an Individual Cylinder of Internal Combustion Engine, 1997
- 5,435,285 Flexible Fuel Compensation System, 1995
- 5,335,637 Energy Adjustment for a Flexible Fuel Compensation System, 1994