Dr. Steven Losh, Publications, Presentations and Abstracts
Asterisk indicates peer-reviewed; boldface indicates student under my supervision
*Losh, S., Rague, R., 2018, Hydrothermal oxidation in the Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota USA: Mineralium Deposita, doi 10.1007_s00126-017-0783-z (online), v. 53, pp. 1143-1166 (print)
Larson, P., Patelke, M., Wartman, J., Totenhagen, M., Jirsa, M., Losh, S., Jongewaard, P., 2014, Stratigraphy, sedimentology, structure and mineralization of the Biwabik Iron Formation, central Mesabi Iron Range; in Jirsa, M., Boerboom, T., and Radakovich, A., eds., Field Trip Guidebook, 60th Annual Meeting, Institute on Lake Superior Geology (Hibbing MN), pp. 1 – 36.
*Anders, M., Schneider, J., Scholz, C., Losh, S., 2013 The intergranular damage zone: The key to distinguishing faults from slides; Journal of Structural Geology, v. 48, pp. 113-125
*Swanson, E., Wernicke, B., Eilers, J., Losh, S., 2012, Temperatures and fluids on faults based on carbonate clumped-isotope thermometry; Amer. Jour. Science, v. 312, pp. 1-21
*Losh, S., Cathles, L., 2010, Gas washing and oil-condensate mass balance at South Marsh Island Blocks 208-239, offshore Louisiana; Marine Petrol. Geol. v. 27, pp. 467-475
Losh, S., Swart, D., Dickinson, A., 2009, Gas washing pattern and economics in an area of continental shelf offshore Louisiana; Transactions of Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, v. 59, pp. 477-485
*Losh, S., Haney, M., 2006., Episodic fluid flow in an aseismic overpressured growth fault, northern Gulf of Mexico; in Abercrombie, R., DiToro, G., Kanamori, H., McGarr, A., eds., Radiated Energy and the Physics of Earthquake Faulting; Amer. Geop. Union Monograph v. 170, pp. 199-206
*Haney, M., Sneider, R., Sheiman, J., Losh, S.,2005, A moving fluid pulse in a fault zone;Nature, v. 437, no. 7055 (1 September), p. 46
*Whelan, J.K., Eglinton, L., Cathles, L., Losh, S., and Roberts, H., 2005, Surface and subsurface manifestations of gas movement through a N-S transect of the Gulf of Mexico, Marine and Petroleum Geology v. 22, pp. 479-497
*Losh, S., Purvance, D., Sherlock, R., Jowett, E. Craig,2005, Geologic and geochemical study of the Picacho gold mine, California: Gold in a low-angle normal fault environment; Mineralium Deposita, v. 40, pp. 137-155
Losh, S., Cathles, L., 2004, Fault seal/fault conduit behavior at South Eugene Island Block 330, offshore Louisiana: Observations and modeling results; Proc. Eur. Assoc. Geosci. and Engr. conference, “Fault and Top Seals,” Montpellier, France, 10 pp.
*Losh, S., Walter, L., Meulbroek, P., Martini, A., Cathles, L., Whelan, J., 2002, Reservoir fluids and their migration into the South Eugene Island Block 330 reservoirs, offshore Louisiana; Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., v. 86, p. 1463-1488
*Losh, S., Cathles, L., Meulbroek, P., 2002, Gas washing of oil along a regional transect, offshore Louisiana; Organic Geochem. v. 33, p. 655-663
*Sassen, R., Losh, S., Cathles, L., Roberts, H., Whelan, J., Milkov, A., Sweet, S., DeFreitas, B., 2001, Massive vein-filling gas hydrate: relation to ongoing gas migration from the deep subsurface in the Gulf of Mexico; Mar. Petrol. Geol, v. 18, p. 551-560
Sassen, R., Watkins, J., Decker, C., Sweet, S., DeFreitas, D., Losh, S., 2001, High maturity gas in the Main Pass area: Comparison to the central Gulf of Mexico slope; Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Socs. Trans. v. 51, pp. 285-291
*Losh, S.; Eglinton, L.; Schoell, M.; Wood, J., 1999, Vertical and lateral fluid flow related to a large growth fault, South Eugene Island Block 330 Field, offshore Louisiana; Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., v. 83, p. 244-276
*Revil, A.; Cathles, L., III; Losh, S.; Nunn, J., 1998, Electrical conductivity in shaly sands with geophysical applications; Jour. Geop. Res., B, v. 103, p. 23,925-23,936
*Losh, S., 1998, Oil migration in a major growth fault: Structural analysis of the Pathfinder core, South Eugene Island Block 330, offshore Louisiana; Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., v. 82, p. 1694-1710
*Losh, S., 1997, Stable isotope and modeling studies of fluid-rock interaction associated with the Snake Range and Mormon Peak detachment faults, Nevada; Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., v. 109, p. 300-323
*Sherlock, R.; Tosdal, R.; Lehrman, N.; Graney, J.; Losh, S.; Jowett, E. Craig; Kesler, S., 1995, Origin of the McLaughlin Mine sheeted vein complex: metal zoning, fluid inclusion, and isotopic evidence; Econ. Geol., v. 90, p. 2156-2181
Anderson, R. N.; Flemings, P.; Losh, S.; Austin, J.; Woodhams, R., 1994, Gulf of Mexico growth fault drilled, seen as oil, gas migration pathway; Oil and Gas Jour. v. 94: p. 97-104
*Losh, S., 1989, Fluid-rock interaction in an evolving ductile shear zone and across the brittle-ductile transition, central Pyrenees, France; Amer. Jour. Sci., v. 289, p. 600-648
Ostenaa, D.; Losh, S.; Nelson, A., 1981, Evidence for recurrent late Quaternary faulting, Sawatch Fault, Upper Arkansas Valley, Colorado; in Colorado Tectonics, Seismicity and Earthquake Hazards: Proceedings and Field Trip Guide, Special Publication - Colorado Geological Survey no. 19: p. 27-29
Losh, S., 2017, Hydrothermal “natural ore” in the Fayal Reserve Mine, Mesabi Range, Minnesota; Proc and Abstr. Inst. On Lake Superior Geol., v. 63, p. 59-60.
Losh, S., Crane, D., Huggins, C., 2017, The Magenta Zone in the Northmet Deposit, Minnesota; Proc and Abstr. Inst. On Lake Superior Geol., v. 63, p. 58.
Losh, S., Rague, R., 2013, Silica remobilization in the Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota; Proc. and Abstr. Instit. On Lake Superior Geol., v 59, part 1.
Losh, S., Rague, R., 2012, Economic implications of silica remobilization in oxidized Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota; Geol. Soc. Amer. Annual Mtg. Abstr. w. Prog, v. 44
Losh, S., Rague, R., 2011, Possible early oxidation in the Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota; Geol Soc. Amer. Annual Mtg Abstr. w. Prog. v. 43
Losh, S., Rague, R., 2011, Possible early oxidation in the Biwabik Iron Formation, Minnesota; Proc. and Abstr. Inst. On Lake Superior Geology Ann. Conf. (Ashland WI), v. 57 Part I
Swanson, E., Wernicke, B., Eilers, J., Losh, S., 2011, Temperatures and fluids on faults based on carbonate clumped-isotope thermometry; Geol Soc. Amer. Annual Mtg Abstr. w. Prog. v. 43
Makovsky, K., Losh, S., 2009, Fluid movement through the Mesabi Iron Range, Minnesota; Inst. for Lake Superior Geology 55th Ann. Mtg Abstracts w/Prog. p.54-55
Drommerhausen, E., Losh, S., 2008, Fluid Properties in the Formation of High-Grade Iron Ore in Northern Minnesota; 54th Ann. Conf. Inst. on Lake Superior Geology Abstr. w/Prog. p. 16-17
Anders, M., B. Fouke, S. Losh, 2008, Rock Deformation at the Base of Large Carbonate Block Slides: Key to Assessing Emplacement Mode; Geol. Soc. Amer. Abstr w/ Prog.
Dee, S., Yielding, G., Losh, S., Ligtenberg, H., Pouwel, A., Freeman, B., Bretan, P., 2007, Integrating fault seal techniques – explaining the duality in fault behaviour; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Abstr. W. Prog.
Losh, S., Haney, M., Phipps-Morgan, J., Cathles, L., 2005, High-pressure fluid pulses in an active fault, offshore Louisiana; AGU Chapman Conference on Radiated Energy and the Physics of Earthquake Faulting, June 13-17, Portland, ME
Haney, M., Snieder, R., Sheiman, J., and Losh, S., 2004, First seismic observation of a fluid pulse propagating along a fault: EOS Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T23A-0565.
Losh, S., Cathles, L.M., 2004, Fault seal/fault conduit behavior at South Eugene Island Block 330, offshore Louisiana: Observations and modeling results; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Abstr. w. Prog, invited
Losh, S., Cathles, L.M., Adams, J., 2003, Fault seal/fault conduit behavior at South Eugene Island Block 330, offshore Louisiana: Observations and modeling results; Proc. Eur. Assoc. Geoscientists and Engineers conference, “Fault and Top Seals,” Montpellier, France, p. 81, invited
Losh, S., Cathles, L., 2003, Migration direction and compartmentation deduced from reservoir brine geochemistry, South Eugene Island Block 330 Field, offshore Louisiana; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Ann. Mtg. Prog. w/Abstr., vol. 12, p. A107, invited
Whelan, J., Eglinton, L., Roberts, H., Cathles, L., Wizevich, M., Losh, S., 2002, Surface and subsurface manifestations of gas movement through a north-south transect of the northern Gulf of Mexico: an overview; Environ. Geosci., v. 9, p. 167
Cathles, L., Losh, S., 2002, Implications of gas washing of oil in the offshore Louisiana Gulf of Mexico Basin; Abstr, 12th ann. Goldschmidt conference; Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v. 66, p. 124
Losh, S., Cathles, L., 2002, Gas washing of oil along a regional transect, offshore Louisiana; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Ann. Mtg. Prog. w/Abstr. v. 11, p. A107
Losh, S., Cathles, L., Meulbroek, P., 2002, Gas washing at Tiger Shoals, offshore Louisiana: How it works and what it can tell us about deep hydrocarbons; unpub abstract, Organic Geochemistry Gordon Conference, Plymouth NH
Cathles, L., Losh, S., 2002, The hybrid petroleum system of the onshore and offshore Louisiana gulf of Mexico Basin; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Ann. Mtg. Prog. w/Abstr., v. 11, p. A28, invited
Losh, S., Cathles, L., Meulbroek, P., Whelan, J., 2000, Gas washing of oil in a transect from the Louisiana coastline to the continental slope, Gulf of Mexico; unpub. abstract, Organic Geochemistry Gordon Conference, Plymouth NH
McCone, H., Garen, R., Ghiorse, W., Cathles, L., Losh, S., 1999, A technique to separate thermophilic bacteria from deep, hot clay sediments, Gulf of Mexico; Geol. Soc. Amer. Abstr. w/Prog. v. 31, p. 324
Losh, S., Walter, L., Martini, A., Cathles, L., Meulbroek, P., Whelan, J., 1999, Reservoir fluid migration and gas washing at the South Eugene Island Block 330 Field, offshore Louisiana; unpub. abstract, Natural Gas Hedberg Conference, Durango CO
Meulbroek, P.; Cathles, L.; Losh, S.; Whelan, J., 1998, Pressure-temperature modeling of hydrocarbon phase fractionation in sedimentary basins; Amer. Assoc. of Petrol. Geol. 1998 Ann. Mtg. Expanded Abstracts
Losh, S.; Meulbroek, P.; Walter, L.; Eglinton, L., 1998, Fluid migration in a faulted reservoir system, South Eugene Island Block 330, offshore Louisiana; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 1998 Ann. Mtg. Expanded Abstracts
Sherlock, R.; Losh, S., 1994, The relationship between the McLaughlin hot-spring gold deposit and active hydrothermal systems in the northern Coast Ranges, California; Geol. Assoc. Canada/Mineral. Assoc. Canada Ann. Mtg. Prog. w/Abstr.; v. 19, p. 102
Moran, J.; Fehn, U.; Walters, L.; Martini, A. M.; Losh, S.; Cathles, L.; Wood, J., 1994, Source constraints from 129iodine/iodine ratios for brines and hydrocarbons in Pleistocene hosts, Gulf of Mexico; Geol. Soc. Amer. Prog. w/Abstr., v. 26, p. 360
Billeaud, Lana; Anderson, Roger N.; Flemings, Peter; Losh, Steven, 1994, The adventures of drilling and conducting experiments through a major fault zone in Eugene Island 330, offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Ann. Mtg. Prog w/Abstr., p. 104
Eglinton, Lorraine; Losh, Steven; Luo, M.; Wood, J., 1994, Paleothermal anomalies associated with a growth fault system on the northern margin of a salt withdrawal mini-basin in Block 330, South Eugene Island, south addition; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Ann. Mtg. Prog. w/Abstr., p. 143
Losh, S.; Jowett, E. Craig; Sherlock, R., 1990, The detachment-related Picacho gold deposit; structural setting and ore fluid controls; Nev. Bur. Mines and Geol. Symposium, Geology and Ore Deposits of the Great Basin; Prog. w/Abstr., p. 110
Jowett, E. Craig ; Sherlock, R..; Losh, S., 1990, Gold precipitation by fluid oxidation during extension; the detachment-related Picacho Deposit, California; Geol. Assoc. Canada/Mineral. Assoc. Canada Ann. Mtg. Prog. w/Abstr., v. 15, p. 67
Losh, S.; Jowett, E. Craig, 1989, The detachment-related Picacho gold deposit; structural setting and fluid-rock interaction; Geol. Assoc. Canada/Mineral. Assoc. Canada; Ann. Mtg; Prog. w/Abstr., v. 14, p. 3-4
Losh, S., 1986, Fluid migration in ductile shear zones and across the brittle-ductile transition, central Pyrenees, France; Geol. Soc. Amer. 99th Ann. Mtg. Prog. w/Abstr., v. 18, p. 676
Losh, S.; Bradbury, H., 1985, Fluid flow across brittle-ductile transitions within Pyrenean crystalline basement; Eos, Trans., Amer. Geop. Union, v. 66, p. 376
Losh, S.; Bradbury, H., 1984, Late Paleozoic deformation within the Honey Hill-Lake Char fault zone, southern New England; Geol. Soc. Amer., Northeastern Section, 19th Ann. Mtg. Prog. w/Abstr., v. 16, p. 48
Losh, S., 1983, Hydrolytic weakening of quartz; theoretical considerations and structural implications; Geol. Soc. Amer., 96th Ann. Mtg. Prog. w/Abstr., v. 15, p. 631
Losh, S.; Ostenaa, D.; Nelson, A., 1982, Recurrent late Quaternary faulting; Sawatch Fault, Colorado; Eos, Trans., Amer. Geop. Union, v. 63, p. 435
Ostenaa, D.; Losh, S.; Nelson, A., 1981, Recurrent late Quaternary faulting in the upper Arkansas Valley near Buena Vista, Colorado; Geol. Soc. Amer. Prog. w/Abstr., v. 12, p. 300
Contract reports
Losh, S., Origin of the Magenta Zone, Northmet Deposit, Minnesota; to Polymet Ltd, Hoyt Lakes MN, 25 pp.
Losh, S., 2013, Silica Remobilization Study final report (52 pp) and Atlas of textures, Silica Remobilization Study (22 pp); both reports submitted to Cliffs Natural Resources (through Jared Lubben, Hibbing Taconite Mine, Hibbing MN).
Losh, S. Cathles, L., 2002, Gas washing of oil and its implications, in Cathles, L.M., ed., Seal Control of Hydrocarbon Migration and its Physical and Chemical Consequences, Gas Research Institute final technical report, grant 5097-260-3787, Volume IV, 74 pp.
Cathles, L., Losh, S., 2002, A modeling analysis of hydrocarbon chemistry and gas washing, hydrocarbon fluxes, and reservoir filling, in Cathles, L.M., ed., Seal Control of Hydrocarbon Migration and its Physical and Chemical Consequences; Gas Research Institute final technical report, grant 5097-260-3787, Volume V, 63 pp.
Cathles, L., Wizevich, M., Losh, S., 2002, Transect geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and GoCAD database, in Cathles, L.M., ed., Seal Control of Hydrocarbon Migration and its Physical and Chemical Consequences; Gas Research Institute final technical report, grant 5097-260-3787, Volume II, 52 pp.
Anderson, R., Flemings, P., Losh, S., Whelan, J., Billeaud, L., Austin, J., and Woodhams, R., 1995, The Pathfinder drilling program into a major growth fault in Eugene Island 330: Implications for hydrocarbon migration pathways; in Anderson, R., ed., Results of the Pathfinder Drilling Program Into a Major Growth Fault; CD-ROM prepared under U.S. Dept. of Energy contract DE-FC22-93BC14961, Part I., chapter 1, 20 pp.
Losh, S., Eglinton, L., Wood, J., 1995, Coring and inorganic geochemistry in the Pathfinder well; in Anderson, R., ed., Results of the Pathfinder Drilling Program Into a Major Growth Fault; CD-ROM prepared under U.S. Dept. of Energy contract DE-FC22-93BC14961, Part 3, chapter 1, 67 pp. plus 120-page core log
Losh, S., 1995, Fluid migration in the SEI 314 minibasin-bounding growth fault, offshore Louisiana; Report to Exxon Production Research, Houston TX, 24 pp.
Losh, S., 1989, Geology, geophysics, and mineralization in the Camas prospect, Hailey, ID; report to Normaco Exploration, Vancouver BC, 52 pp plus appendices
Losh S., 1988, Gold exploration models and area selection in the Great Basin; report to BP Minerals, Salt Lake City, UT, 35 pp.
Losh, S., 1988, Igneous rock chemistry and gold mineralization in the Great Basin; report to BP Minerals, Salt Lake City UT 15 pp. plus plates.
Losh, S., 1988, Gold mineralization at the Van Deemen prospect, Arizona; report to Fischer-Watt Exploration Company, Denver CO, 7 pp.