Aaron Stokke, MS 2018
Aaron received his bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics education rather than a strict Physics BS. But after a few years of student teaching they found physics itself more enjoyable through their application of mathematics to nature and the real world. Since his undergraduate education was not a full physics degree, he was encouraged to take the Masters in Physics after meeting with then Minnesota State University Physics Graduate Coordinator Dr. Thomas Brown who explained the Department's enthusiasm for helping students to bridge any academic gaps in their education while working toward a master's degree. In addition to this, the class sizes for PHYS 500 and above were relatively small and this, Aaron said, "gave me confidence the department could help me 'catch up' in my coursework."
Aaron specifically recalled the importance of two aspects of education in advancing him in his career. First "the technical knowledge gained through taking courses and working in Dr. Dall'Asén's research lab ‐ especially regarding optics, microscopy, and spectroscopy ... and the relationships, both professional and personal, developed with grad students and faculty members. I sill stay in contact with some of those people to this day." Aaron believes his coursework and thesis research developed both his foundational physics knowledge as well as the ability to research and problem‐solve. "Writing my thesis and teaching physics labs matured both my written and verbal communication skills," he said, "through all these experiences, I learned the importance of collaboration and being a diligent worker."