Raka Paul, MS 2019
Raka graduated in 2019 with an MS in Physics, completing a thesis under the supervision of Dr. Dall'Asen. Upon graduation, she moved to Stockholm University where she begin a PhD program in physics studying the properties of dust grains like fullerenes and PAHs which are found in abundance in the universe and essentail for understanding a number of fundamental open questions in astrophysics.
She describes her research at Stockholm as focused on: "...understanding the interaction process and charge transfer mechanism between oppositely charged molecules, at the DESIREE cryogenic facility at Stockholm University’s physics department."
Of her time at Minnesota State University, Raka says "Minnesota State University has been a great catalyst and big leap forward toward achieving my current position. The faculty at Physics department, especially Dr. Brown, Dr. Xu and Dr. Dall’Asén have been the guiding and shaping factors, both in their teaching and mentoring skills. In the span of my masters’ studies, interaction with the faculty, my peer and the general work environment of a TA at the department have all made me a better physicist than when I started."