
CIS undergraduate majors in CIT, MIS, HHI, and CApp are required to complete 3 credits of internship, as the course CIS 497.

If you cannot find answers to your questions on any of the following pages, please conact the internship coordinator, at

Applying for Internship

Obtaining permission to register for IT 497/IT 597 is a four step process: Step 1. Find an internship. Step 2. Determine the number of credit hours you can register for. Step 3. Apply for Internship credit through the CIS Internship Portal. Step 4. Register for Credits

Ending Your Internship

In order to receive a passing grade for internship you will need to complete the tasks (included inside) at the end of the semester in which you are enrolled.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequent questions about the internship process, such as Q: When can I complete an internship? Q: I am an international student, can I take a full-time internship during fall or spring semester? Q: I am an international student, how do I get permission to do an off-campus internship?

International Students

Extra information about internships for International Students

On-Campus Opportunities

Intern with B507, Apogee, or Maverick Software Consulting.

Off-Campus Opportunities

Find an IT internship off-campus with local or national companies.