Frequently Asked Questions
What courses should I take in high school to prepare?
In order to take the courses in the curriculum, you must have had introductory courses in Chemistry and Physics. Also, you should have taken at least pre-calculus, since the curriculum assumes that you will take Calculus I in the fall of your freshman year.
What if I haven't taken introductory courses in chemistry, physics, or math?
If you will not have taken high school courses in chemistry or physics by the time you come to Minnesota State University, you should plan on taking CHEM 104 (Introduction to Chemistry), and PHYS 101 (Introductory Physics), respectively, to prepare for the required courses on the Civil Engineering flow chart.
In order to enroll in MATH 121 (Calculus I) you must have a math subscore of at least 24 on the ACT or 550 on the SAT. You could also take the Accuplacer math placement test, where you need a 21 or higher in order to enroll in Calculus I. See the Mathematics department for other appropriate math placement based on ACT, SAT, or Accuplacer test results.
Being prepared in math and physics at the beginning makes it possible to complete the civil engineering degree in four years.
How do my AP courses or CLEP credits count toward my degree?
Credit for courses through AP usually transfer directly as the required course, but with a grade of P. Our official policy is that no courses are accepted with P grades, but we have always waived that requirement for AP courses, since that is the only way they come in. This is also often the case for CLEP credits.
See how your AP credits will count toward the major
What scholarships are available to civil engineering students?
There are many scholarships available to civil engineering students. Private firms and professional associations donate to scholarships for our students. Many scholarships are geared toward students who have shown strong interest in and progress toward their civil engineering degree, and so it becomes easier to get scholarships the further along in the program you get.
Will I need to do an internship as part of the program?
While there isn't a required internship in the civil engineering program, we strongly encourage every student to work in the industry each summer before graduation. Most engineering firms and public agencies hire civil engineering students during the summer and some will continue employment part time during the school year.