Dr. Cohen's Selected Publications

* Undergraduate student co-author
^ Graduate student co-author

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Shankey, N.T.^ and Cohen, R.E. 2024. Neural control of reproduction in reptiles. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A. 341(3): 307-321. Invited submission.

Tao, C.Y.^, Harley, J.Z.*, Spencer, S.L.* and Cohen, R.E. 2022. Characterizing seasonal transitions: Breeding-like morphology and behavior during the late non-breeding season in green anole lizards. Hormones and Behavior. 139: 105106. Invited submission.

Tran, Q.^, Sudasinghe, A.^, Jones, B.*, Xiong, K.*, Cohen, R.E., Sharlin, D.S., Hartert, K.T. and Goellner, G.M. 2021. FAM171B is a novel polyglutamine protein widely expressed in the mammalian brain. Brain Research. 1766: 147540.

Kang, H.^, Kenealy, T.M.*, and Cohen, R.E. 2020. The hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis adn thyroid hormone regulation interact to influence seasonal breeding in green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 292: 113446.

Peek, C.E^ and Cohen, R.E. 2018. Seasonal regulation of steroidogenic enzyme expression within the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) brain and gonad. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 268: 88-95.

Cohen, R.E., Lima, M.M.*, Miller, K.E., and Brenowitz, E.A. 2016. Adult neurogenesis leads to the functional reconstruction of a telencephalic neural circuit. The Journal of Neuroscience. 36(34): 8947-8956.

Cohen, R.E. and Wade, J. 2012. Expression of aromatase and two isozymes of 5α-reductase in the developing green anole forebrain. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 24(9): 1213-1221.

Cohen, R.E. and Wade, J. 2012. Aromatase and 5α-reductase type 2 mRNA in the green anole forebrain: an investigation into the effects of sex, season, and testosterone manipulation. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 176(3): 377-384.

Cohen, R.E., Roach, J.* and Wade, J. 2012. The distribution of estrogen receptor β mRNA in male and female anole lizards. Brain Research. 1430: 43-51.

Cohen, R.E. and Wade, J. 2011. Aromatase mRNA in the brain of green anole lizards: effects of sex and season. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 23(3): 254-260.

Kirschel, A.N.G., Slabbekoorn, H., Blumstein, D.T., Cohen, R.E., de Kort, S., Buermann, W., and Smith, T.B. 2011. Testing alternative hypotheses for song evolution in an African songbird: Rainforest refugia versus ecological gradients. Evolution. 65(11): 3162-3174.

Johnson, M.A., Cohen, R.E., Vandecar, J.R.*, and Wade, J. 2011. Relationships amongtestosterone, reproductive morphology and behavior in a natural population of green anole lizards. Physiology and Behavior. 104(3): 437-445.

Cohen, R.E. and Wade, J. 2010. Distribution of two isozymes of 5α-reductase in the brain of adult green anole lizards. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 76(3-4): 279-288.

Cohen, R.E. and Wade, J. 2010. Testosterone selectively affects aromatase and 5α-reductase activities in the green anole lizard brain. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 166(1): 128-133.

Cohen, R.E. and Wade, J. 2010. Newly deposited maternal hormones can be detected in the yolks of oviductal eggs in the green anole lizard. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A. 313(6): 352-358.

Johnson, M.A., Caton, J.L.*, Cohen, R.E., Vandecar, J.R.*, and Wade, J. 2010. The burden of motherhood: the effect of reproductive load on female lizard behavior. Ethology. 116: 1217-1225.

Kirschel, A.N.G., Blumstein, D.T., Cohen, R.E., Buermann, W., Smith, T.B., and Slabbekoorn, H. 2009. Birdsong tuned to the environment: green hylia song frequency varies with elevation, tree cover, and noise. Behavioral Ecology. 20(5): 1089-1095.

Bamford, N.S., Zhang, H., Joyce, J.A., Scarlis, C.A., Hanan, W., Wu, N., Andre, V.A.,Cohen, R., Cepeda, C., Levine, M.S., Harleton, E., and Sulzer, D. 2008. Repeated exposure to methamphetamine causes long-lasting presynaptic corticostriatal depression that is renormalized with drug readministration. Neuron. 58: 89-103.

Hickey, M.A., Kosmalska, A., Enavati, J., Cohen, R., Zeitlin, S., Levine, M.S., and Chesselet, M.-F. 2008. Extensive early motor and non-motor behavioral deficits are followed by striatal neuronal loss in knock-oin Huntington's Disease mice. Neuroscience. 157: 280-295. 

Book Chapters

Johnson, M.A., Cohen, R.E., and Wade, J. 2024. Neuroendocrinology of reptilian reproductive behavior. In Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates: Vol. 3: Reptiles. Second edition. Eds. Norris, D. and Lopez, K. Academic Press. ISBN 9780443160226. In press.

Cohen, R.E. and Wade, J. 2019. The physiological control of social behavior in lizard. In Behavior of lizards: evolutionary and mechanistic perspectives. Eds. Bels, V. and Russell, A. CRC Press. pp. 191-206. ISBN 9780367655853.

Cohen, R.E. and Wade, J. 2012. Testosterone metabolism in reptiles. In Brain Aromatase, Estrogens and Behavior. Eds. Balthazart, J. and Ball, G. Oxford University Press. pp. 221-235. ISBN 9780199979837.

Student Poster Presentations - National Conferences

** Undergraduate student presenter
^ Graduate student presenter

Andel, B. R.**, Harstad, S.D. and Cohen, R.E. 2024. Effects of season on the regulation of CIRBP, HUNK, and TPH2 in green anole lizards. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, WA.

Igo, B.L.**, Grossen, T.L., Shankey, N.T. and Cohen, R.E. 2024. The effects of melatonin on seasonal behaviors and sex steroid hormones in green anoles. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, WA.

Sankar, N.^ and Cohen, R.E. 2024. The headaches of brain stereotactic surgery: Behavioral effects in green anole lizards. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, WA.

Shankey, N.T.^ and Cohen, R.E. 2024. Characterizing melatonin receptor expression in the green anole lizard brain. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, WA.

Grossen, T.L.** and Cohen, R.E. 2023. Circannual gene expression across seasons in the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) brain. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Austin, TX.

Miles, B.S.**, Calli-Wehrman, A.J.** and Cohen, R.E. 2023. The effects of steroid hormones on neurogenesis in the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis). Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Austin, TX.

Shankey, N.T.^ and Cohen, R.E. 2023. The effects of melatonin on reproduction in breeding green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis). Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Austin, TX.

Grossen, T.L.**, Bunnam, A.D.**, and Cohen, R.E. 2022. Circadian gene expression across reproductive phases in the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) brain. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Phoenix, AZ.

Tao, C.Y.^ and Cohen, R.E. 2021. A breeding-like transition occurs prior to environmental chances in a lizard species. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Washington, DC. Virtual meeting.

Kang, H.^, Sharlin, D.S. and Cohen, R.E. 2018. The relationship between seasonal breeding and deiodinase expression in the green anole lizard. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.

Talwar, S.^ and Cohen, R.E. 2018. Localization and quantification of kisspeptin and gonadotropin inhibitory hormone in green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis). Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA.

Foley, C.A.**, Roddick, J.J.*, Magnuson, E.C.*, Wang, A.Z.*, Husak, J.F., and Cohen, R.E. 2017. The effect of exercise on neurogenesis in the green anole lizard brain. Society for Neuroscience. Washington, DC.

Abdilahi, A.**, Foley, C.A.*, Day, A.B.*, and Cohen, R.E. 2016. Seasonal Variations in the dorsolateral and medial cortex, the reptilian homologue of the hippocampus. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA.

Klecker, C.E.^ and Cohen, R.E. 2016. An investigation of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) gene expression in the green anole lizard brain and gonad. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA.

Booker, N.A.**, Roddick, J.**, Son, J.*, Hart, N.D.*, Lee, Y.*, and Cohen, R.E. 2015. The effect of steroid hormones on neurogenesis in the green anole lizard brain. Society for Neuroscience. Chicago, IL.

Gilbert, S.A.**, Hart, N.D.*, Son, J.*, Connolly, P.S.*, Gilbert, B.A.*, and Cohen, R.E. 2014. The effect of steroid hormones on brain regions in the green anole lizard. Society for Neuroscience. Washington, D.C.